Whiskey Still Pro Shop Blogs

The Truth About US Law and Distilling Alcohol at Home
Historically, people have distilled grappas, spirits, water, and essential oils in their homes for centuries. The copper stills we have come to know as “whiskey stills” or “moonshine stills” are ol...

how to
Basic Moonshine Mash Recipe
“Moonshine” is distilled from the fermented sugar of a malt grains like oats, cornmeal, or wheat. A strong alcohol, the recipe for moonshine is very basic, which is why it has been popular througho...

Bain-Marie still
How to “Cut” your Alcohol Distilling Run
Alcohol distillation is an ancient process that is both an art and a science. It’s easy, but not as easy as simply turning it on and watching it go. Diligent distillers know that you have to keep a...

How to Distill Whiskey and Moonshine
There are a few methods of distilling, but the most common include pot boiling and steam distillation. The most common thing distilled around the world is water - which is used in medical facilitie...

Easy DIY Flour Paste for Your Copper Still
Distilling alcohol can be fun, but it can also be dangerous. One of the most important considerations to make is that when you heat alcohol, you deal with flammable alcohol vapors. In addition to m...

What is a Vinegar Run?
When you purchase your copper whiskey still, you will be struck by its beauty, shine, and sturdy design. As striking as it looks, what a copper still was made for is making fine distilled products....

column still
7 Safety Tips for Distilling at Home
There's always a right way, and a wrong way, to go about distilling at home"Making Moonshine in Kentucky"
Moonshiners know that there will always be some safety hazards when working with a heat so...

column still
A Beginner’s Guide to Distilling Essential Oils at Home
Humans have a long history with essential oils. Used in cooking, medicine, health and wellness, and beauty for centuries, the distilled liquids of plant materials came to be called “essential oils”...

clean copper
How to Clean a Copper Still Inside and Out
Copper is a durable, rich material that will last you decades if cleaned and cared for properly. It’s inexpensive to clean your copper still, but it does take a little time and effort on a regular ...